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M3GAN is a quirky horror/sci-fi comedy that is played very straight but on occasion, is intentionally silly. I’m usually Leery about movies released in January as it tends to be a dumping ground for movies… Read More »M3GAN


Pearl is the standalone prequel to Ti West’s X, which is the origin of the trilogies main antagonist. Where X plays like a gritty ’70s grindhouse slasher, Pearl is more of a retro stylistic ’40s… Read More »Pearl

Miami Connection (1987)

Finally watched Miami Connection. It’s a so bad it’s good martial arts movie that was made in 1987. An independent vanity project produced, written, and starring a guy who owned a chain of TaeKwon-Do studios… Read More »Miami Connection (1987)


At it’s core, Babylon is about the transition of silent movies to talkies and how it affected the actors of the silent era. It also explores the debauchery of early Hollywood, and how the industry… Read More »Babylon

MINISTRY touring in Spring 2023 with Gary Numan and Front Line Assembly / Summer 2023 with Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, and Filter

After a rigorous touring cycle in 2022, one might presume that MINISTRY would take a break this year, especially as it has been reported that founder Al Jourgensen has re-entered the studio to begin work… Read More »MINISTRY touring in Spring 2023 with Gary Numan and Front Line Assembly / Summer 2023 with Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, and Filter