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VEiiLA: Do You Hear Me (video)

VEiiLA shares their new music video for “Do You Hear Me” (from their latest album Sentimental Craving For Beauty, Projekt Records).

The video is compiled of various bits of footage taken by the band while touring in Armenia, as well as fan-made concert-videos shared on the internet.

This is what VEiiLA themselves have to say about this video: “We always have a camera with us. Every time we climb a mountain pass, or ride through a snowy fog-covered plain, or check in the hotel room that looks nothing like a hotel room, but more like a photo studio, or crush somebody’s couch and try to gain trust of their scared dog in the wee hours of the morning, before you need to pack up and move on, or see the venue hosts hurriedly trying to heat up the stone cold room, because no one could expect that winter, with snow and razor sharp cold wind would start exactly today (not the weathermen at least), or play a show at the tiny wine cellar, even though yesterday it was a huge echo-y warehouse, or pass through the same town 6 times and each time it is completely different… This is the time when the chaos exposes itself, when one sees life for what it is – a stream of orderly absurd, meaningful nonsense and presupposed accidents. This is also when life finally makes sense… This road movie collage of random impressions is our homage to the life of a musician, a chaotic rambling of the modern gypsies, which we crave, love and miss when it’s over”

VEiiLA, who call themselves “a band without a country,” had left their home in Russia in March 2022, in protest of the war with Ukraine and the atrocities of the horrible autocratic regime. After finding temporary sanctuary in Armenia, they recorded their second full-length album Sentimental Craving For Beauty, which was released in September 2023 on the legendary Projekt Records (Portland, Oregon, USA). The album was selected CD of the month and subsequently charted as the best album of September on ECHOES (a daily radio show in the US dedicated to electronic music and broadcast on 120 radio stations across the country). As VEiiLA stated in their interviews, the album explores themes of despair, existential pessimism, “that huge disappointment in the human race, leaving everything that was precious behind, the feeling of loss and loneliness.

Sentimental Craving For Beauty is available for name-your-price on Bandcamp and at all major streaming platforms.

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