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EYE AM Signs with Route One Booking for representation in the UK and Europe

“We are really delighted to announce the signing of supergroup EYE AM for booking representation in the UK and Europe.” – Ben Ward

“Super stoked to be collaborating with Route One Booking, I have been a fan of Ben’s  band, Orange Goblin for many years So to work with his company has been awesome. Who knows maybe we both can do some shows together in the future!! People I know personally are working with Ben and Route One Booking and have nothing but awesome things to say about their experience. I’m excited for our future together. “ Andrew Spaulding, Corpse Paint Records

Supergroup EYE AM is made up of Crowbar vocalist and guitarist Kirk Windstein, guitarist/vocalist Kenny Hickey and drummer/vocalist Johnny Kelly of Type O Negative/Silvertomb, and former Crowbar bassist Todd Strange (who also played alongside Kirk in Down). Brought together by mutual friend and record label owner Andrew Spaulding of Corpse Paint Records, the band use their own respective experiences in the industry to create hit power rock ballads, such as “Dreams Always Die With The Sun,” which has gained over 100,000 listens since its release – and the band has now released their new track, “CRYPTOMNESIA” on November 24th. With influences like Black Sabbath and The Beatles, their upcoming album promises to deliver guitar-driven rock with a melodic ballad at its core – bringing audiences back for more.

FFO: Crowbar, Down, Type O Negative, Soundgarden, Black Sabbath, The Beatles

To book EYE AM, contact: [email protected]

About EYE AM: 

EYE AM is made up of Crowbar vocalist and guitarist Kirk Windstein, guitarist/vocalist Kenny Hickey and drummer/vocalist Johnny Kelly of Type O Negative/Silvertomb, and former Crowbar bassist Todd Strange (who also played alongside Kirk in Down). Brought together by mutual friend and record label owner Andrew Spaulding of Corpse Paint Records, the band use their own respective experiences in the industry to create hit power rock ballads, such as “Dreams Always Die With The Sun,” which has gained over 100,000 listens since its release – and now are set to release their new track, “CRYPTOMNESIA.” With influences like Black Sabbath and The Beatles, their upcoming album promises to deliver guitar-driven rock with a melodic ballad at its core – bringing audiences back for more.

For more information on EYE AM, please visit:

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