Maybe a better idea than me putting back issues of HUSTLER in the neighborhoods”Little Free Library” boxes. A Little Free Library is a “take a book, share a book” free book exchange. They come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common version is a small wooden box of books.

Back to working on this project again. Digging deep into thousands of photos I’ve had archived in boxes and photo albums. I am physically dropping them into designated boxes and from there I will sift through them finding the images for publication and the others will be available online after publication.

From the Spring/Summer Safe Sex issue of MK ULTRA Magazine my interview with Seka ho was known in the 1980s as the Platinum Princess of Porn. Yesterday (Friday) morning her husband messaged me asking about the podcast and that afternoon he and aI and Seka had a talk and scheduled her to appear on the MKULTRASOUND PodCast on Sunday April 13th. The day before I’m having Victoria Crosby in for the show. It should be a fun and productive weekend here at Casa Diablo/ASSMAN’s Bar and Grill.

I’m back to work on organizing photos for the MK ULTRA book and Tuesday Max will be coming over to work on some layout