Carla writes: PRE-SAVE LINKS ARE HERE for Sick Ones! The First Violent Hour Single is Coming April 11! I’M SO EXCITED for you to hear what i’ve been up to! Charlie Benante Official and I wrote Sick Ones and an album’s worth of other songs over the last year. We’ve always leaned on each other through low points, using music as the lifeline that lifts us out of our slumps so writing together became this really powerful cathartic experience for both of us. While I will have a touring band (i’ve never wanted to be considered a solo artist) Charlie played every single instrument on my upcoming record.
When picking a theme for this song, I thought about a phrase I’ve had scrawled across a journal from 1999: Cut The Sick Ones Loose. Those words became my mantra this the last couple years and felt perfect to change over Charlie’s guitar riffs. Sick Ones also features an absolutely shredding guitar solo by John 5 that brings this thrasher to a whole different.