Baby, it’s cold outside and my work has slowed up so I’ve been diving head first into this home of mine of 18 years that up till about December 2023 I was boxing up and preparing to move. Now I’m unboxing, tossing out and organizing everything. Not only freeing up space but deep cleaning these high walls and ceilings and I’m on a ladder a LOT. I’ve tossed out shoes I haven’t worn since I moved into this place and boxing up a lot of clothing that is unused. Amazing.
I was billing only 2 hours a day and spending approximately 10-12 hours cleaning. Moving all the furniture including the bedroom. Physically wearing myself out but still finding my old friend insomnia isn’t too far away. Last week I was lucky if I could fall asleep by 430 AM and getting up at 8 AM to start all over again. The only day I did not do anything was Sunday. I decided to say fuck it and sleep in, which I were able to do and later in the day Jackie came to take me out to a nice dinner. Monday morning work picked back up. My employers sent us all a nice Amazon gift cards and I immediately ordered necessities. At the top of my list a brand new Eureka vacuum.

During my insomnia bouts last week I put that into creative energy and started cataloging and editing a lot of old photos from the hacked MK-MAGAZINE. COM website. Hundreds and that was just a start. I barely put a dent into those photo archives what there is available.
This week after I am finally done with the housework I’ll finish the text on my trip back home over Labor Day weekend. As I’ve mentioned the hardest part was getting the images edited and setup. Filling in the blanks will be easy. 2025 has some exciting happenings in the world of ol AZ t 60. – nuff said?

L.A. GUNS Leopard Skin Official release date is April 4th. There are already several concerts I am getting pumped up for in 2026. The biggie is of course:

Greg and Gina Duncan have welcomed their daughter June Lilly Duncan into the world. Congratulations.

El Mariachi Tequila Bar with Jackie Jockell.

My very good friend Jackie took me to dinner on a very cold Sunday afternoon and she said it was my choice, Such a rarity and such a very pleasant experience sans a very loud table of patrons that was annoying. This was the first time I’d been out to do anyting remotely leisure since I returned home from New Orleans on December and I very much appreciate it.

Jalapeno Cucumber Margarita