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 3 Headed Snake comes out with a ferocious, and powerful single “Tightrope” which speaks to dangerous ways of living, and how, oftentimes, these ways end up being the most satisfactory for the soul. 3 Headed Snake is an old-school power metal band based out of Los Angeles inspired by the sounds of Warrior, Malice, Dio and Iron Maiden. 

Johnny shares, “I wrote this song as an encouragement for my sons. I have always taught them that to be the best men they can be, they have to “take the hard road” – that’s the road that will build your character, that’s the road that will develop your soul.” 

Lead vocalist Johnny Ray, who has been compared to Rob Halford of Judas Priest, and guitarist and two-time Grammy-nominated musician Sin Quirin, who has been in the industry for nearly 20 years, playing and songwriting for legendary names like Ministry, 3 Headed Snake is releasing a new batch of songs that explore a whole new side to metal while rooting themselves in their classic and addictive sound. “Tightrope” is now available on Bandcamp and Spotify and is the band’s favorite song!

The first single, “Untouchable Undead” speaks to these feelings, as well as acts as a commentary on religion – providing a message of looking out for the powerless, the vulnerable, and the weak. It comes in hot right off the bat, with powerful drum kicks and Johnny’s captivating and illustrious voice. Combined with Sin’s unstoppable, dark industrial sound, the song is able to grasp the attention of metalheads and bring them a feeling of catharsis all from the very first track. 

The second single, “Dead Bound from Bedlam” is best described as a “quintessential story about scapegoating.” This particular song speaks to the power of alternative ideas, and how society is quick to shun those who push against its traditional framework. By pushing outcasts away, they turn to other areas of life, usually more involved with the wilderness – which in turn “brings peace and tranquility,” according to Ray. He describes how this notion can be seen in modern life, with the exacerbation of cancel culture in the past decade. Once again invoking a positive message, the group uses the song as a way to express that the scapegoats of society will find a new and better community through new outlets.

About 3 Headed Snake:
Based out of Los Angeles, California, 3 Headed Snake features lead singer Johnny Ray and guitarist Sin Quirin. The two have played individually with various industrial, metal and progressive groups throughout their music careers, and strive to revert back to a more classic sound with this project. Through Sin’s hearty guitar sounds alongside Ray’s dramatic and provocative vocals, 3 Headed Snake creates a palpable sound reminiscent of traditional metal music, with a powerful message to be shared about positivity, strength and perseverance. 
For more information on 3 Headed Snake, please visit:
Facebook | Bandcamp | Spotify